Katerini Zaikos

Articling Student

Phone number

Education :

  • J.D. – University of Windsor (2023)
  • J.D. – University of Detroit Mercy School of Law (2023)
  • B.Comm. – York University (2019)

Affiliations :

  • Hellenic Canadian Lawyers’ Association
  • Ontario Bar Association

Katerini is an Articling Student at Pappas Law. She is looking to focus her practice on family law matters and is anticipated to be called to the Ontario Bar in 2024. Katerini holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from York University. After her undergraduate studies, Katerini worked at a boutique personal injury firm. Katerini then completed a dual law degree at the University of Windsor Faculty of Law and University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. During her second year of law school, Katerini contributed towards the article, Wrongful Dismissal Claim? Small Claims Court is the Place To Be, written by James Branoff, Deputy Judge of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. While at law school, Katerini was a participant in the Walsh Family Law Negotiation Competition in 2022. She also received a Pass with Distinction for both the Canadian and American moots. In Katerini’s final year of law school, she was Co-President of the Windsor Hellenic Law Students’ Association.

In her spare time, Katerini likes going to the gym, is an avid music lover, and enjoys spending time with family and friends.